Aiming to foster awareness and understanding of government schemes designed for the welfare of the weaker sections of society, an insightful program was organized by the Sociology-Economics Forum in collaboration with the SC/ST Cell, NSS Unit, and Youth Red Cross Unit of our esteemed college on November 22, 2023 at 3.00 pm in the college auditorium.

The session was facilitated by Dr. Kiran Prasad B, Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Sociology at the School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangalore. The event commenced with a spiritual touch as volunteers from the NSS Unit invoked the blessings of the lord through a prayer.

Following the prayer, Ms. Navya K, a student of second-year BA and NSS Leader, eloquently introduced Dr. Kiran Prasad as the resource person for the session. Dr. Kiran Prasad took the floor and commenced the session by providing students with an insightful overview of how, post-independence, the government identified and prioritized the assistance and upliftment of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Other Backward Classes. He elaborated on the criteria employed by the government to identify these weaker sections within society.

In the subsequent segments of the session, Dr. Kiran Prasad delved into the budgetary allocations made by the government to uplift the weaker sections. He specifically highlighted various educational initiatives, including scholarships, construction of hostels, and residential schools. The students found the information to be highly valuable, gaining insights into the diverse scholarships available to them.

The program concluded with a vote of thanks by Manasvi, a first-year student. Assoc. Prof Cecilia F Goveas, Head of the Department of Economics, skilfully conducted the program as the master of ceremony. The event was graced by Prof. Vineetha K, Registrar (Evolution) of the college, NSS Program Officer Mr. Obanath, Assistant NSS Program Officer Ms. Roshini Monica Goveas, SC/ST Cell Representative Mr. Sandeep Ullal, and Youth Red Cross Program Officer Ms. Anusuya Kamath.

A total of 106 students from BA and BSW, including volunteers from the NSS and Youth Red Cross Units, actively participated in the program. The collaborative efforts of the organizing units ensured the success of the event, fostering awareness and understanding among students about government schemes for the empowerment of the weaker sections of society.









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