Date: 27/11/2018
Venue: Anugraha
Topic: The stages of romantic love, expressive art, negative life themes, fear and anger therapy.

The session started with a talk on the stages of love and how we involuntarily exchange the “love map(biodata)” the has all our information regarding our personality, the romantic love had three stages: scanning, hatred, reality. Scanning phase consist of the attraction and repulsion when the love map of two individuals are similar.
Romantic feelings are related to inner wounds, the more wounds they have the more romantic they feel, people have different percentage in they love tank that is based on how was their childhood and the wounds, people having same percentage of love tank will attract people romantically with same percentage, towards other people there will be a brotherly feeling.
The session included  drawing different objects  followed by interpretation and after that the session started with the negative life themes that we create which affects our life, after this we were given a activity that helped us to release our anger and fear that we had in present life and the childhood wounds. Overall Day 3 was an wonderful learning experience.






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