As a part of academy curriculum, the Post Graduate Department of Criminology and Forensic Science had arranged an annual educational tour to Hyderabad for both first and second year students from 21st May to 31st May 2022. Mr. Roshan D’Souza, Ms. Bindiya T., and Mr. Joel Joseph, Assistant Professors of the department accompanied the students to various organizations.

First visit was to Telangana State Forensic Science Laboratory (TSFSL), Hyderabad on 23rd May 2022 at 1pm. Students were exposed to various divisions such as Biology/Serology, DNA, Cyber Forensics, Audio-Visual, Toxicology, Narcotics and Ballistics. Scientific officers of each division explained the functions through practical demonstrations. There was an interaction between the students and the forensic experts pertaining to the expert opinion, chain of custody and court procedures.

Next visit was to ASHA De-addiction Centre on 24th May 2022 at 10am, where students were briefed about the institution and its nature of work with the inmates of de-addiction center. The students were also permitted to interact with the in-mates and their care takers.

On the third day, second year students of MSc CFS, Questioned Documents and Impression Evidences (QDIE) specialization along with first years visited the Fingerprint Bureau, Hyderabad on 25th May 2022 at 10am. The Fingerprint experts explained the working of Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) with a demonstration. Further, highlighted on the functioning of the Bureau and expert the expert opinion provided to the court based on the disputed and admitted fingerprints.

Meanwhile, second year students of MSc CFS, Forensic Psychology and Criminal Justice specialization accompanied by Mr. Roshan D’Souza visited the Chanchalguda Central Prison and Juvenile Centre. The students learnt about the structure, functions and rehabilitation programmes of the correctional institution. Prison officials had discussion with students on the various roles and challenges faced in the correctional institution. Students were permitted to interact with the inmates of correctional institution which provided them to know more about the prison life.

On 26th May 2022 at 10am, the students got an opportunity to visit Telangana State Police Academy (TSPA), Hyderabad where the officials explained about conducting in-service training like mandatory courses, thematic courses, conversion courses, computer courses, seminars and workshops on topical subjects. Here, the students were also exposed to the Museum related to Criminology and Forensic Fields.

Lastly, the students also could visit Prajwala, the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), Hyderabad, on 30th May 2022 at 10am. This organization is run by alumni of our Institution Ms. Sunitha Krishnan, Padmashree Awardee. It works for the rights of the victims of sexual offences and Human Trafficking. The staffs of the organization explained briefly about the functions of the organization, challenges faced during various cases dealt by them. There was an opportunity for the students to interacted with the volunteers working for the rehabilitation of victims and with various crime victims. Altogether, 43 students and 3 faculties of the department took part in the academic tour to Hyderabad.











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