Annual Report August, 2021-September 2022
Roshni Alumni Association Bengaluru

The election was held in the month of May, 2021 for the year 2021-23 and the committee of 12 members was formed.


International Women’s Day and World Social Work Day was organised by RAA, Bangalore chapter in collaboration with the Alma Mater, School of Social Work, Mangalore at Lal Bahaddur Shasthri College, Bengaluru on 8th March 2022. Smt Shammi Rohan Shiri, an alumni from batch 2001, who is a Life Coach, Counselor and Healer spoke on the topic ‘Social Work Profession as a Career Choice. Over 120 students participated in the programme.

The Association organised its Annual Sports Meet on 13th March 2022 at HAL Sports Ground. Approximately 100 Roshnites actively participated in sports events such as Throw Ball, Cricket, Lagori,Tug of war and made the day very special and most memorable one. Shri Basheer Harladka, Vice President, took the leadership and coordinated the day along with committee members.

On 30th March 2022, at Vikas Soudha, an interactive session was organised on demand of members with Honourable Labour Minister of Government Of Karnataka Shri Arbail Shivram Hebbar, along with Mangaluru Chapter of Roshni Alumni Association, NIPM Mangaluru and Bengaluru Chapters, Great Bengaluru Employers’Association with regard to work related physical threat faced by one of our senior alumni, Shri. Rajashekhar Rai, HR manager with a private firm at Aerospace Park, Bagalur while returning home around 8 pm on March 8, when he was attacked allegedly by an employee who was sacked by him. The attack was to avenge his dismissal. However, Mr. Rai survived the attack, thanks to prompt action by his driver to take the car to the police station. The Team submitted a representation for immediate peace and harmony among industries with special focus on HR professionals.







HRM Forum of School of Social Work, RoshniNilaya in association with Roshni Alumni Association Bengaluru chapter presented a Career Conversation with HR Leaders and Alumni of School of Social work, RoshniNilaya, Mangalore on 27th April 2022 from 4.00 pm to 5:30 pm on Google meet platform. Mr. Jnanesh Kumar, Director, Employee Success and Mr Naveen Kumar Nerlaje ,Licious- Head-HR,were the resource Persons.

AlmaConnect is a creative series of online stories of our alumni’s achievements and expertise, initiated by RAA, Benglauru to acknowledge and appreciate the outstanding alumni of School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangaluru where professional social work and social interventions of noted alumni have been documented on the you tube channel during the above period.

Fifty seven new members have taken up life membership at the Association with the leadership of Shri Ajith Mathew, Treasurer, Dr Lavina Fernandes, Secretary with support and guidance of previous President Shri. Vasanth Kumar Kamila for the year. Welcome to all the new life members to the Association.

Annual Day was celebrated on 08th May 2022, a day long get-together called ‘Milana ‘at Hotel Capitol, Bengaluru. The Day started with cultural programme. Shri H G Chandrashekhar, Chairman and Managing Director, Sasmos HET Technologies Ltd Bengaluru was the chief guest. Dr Sr Juliet C J Principal, School of Social work, RoshniNilaya, Mangalore presided over the function. She mentioned on the various programs taken up by college to support maximum number of students. Around 300 alumni gathered from various locations forMilana 2022.

Talentree India in association with Roshni Alumni Association Bengaluru chapter organised one day workshop on 21st May 2022 on the topic ‘Management of Flexible Workforce’ at Hotel Capitol Bengaluru. 179 participants were gathered.

On 19th May 2022, President JagadishShekhar Naik and Secretary Dr Margaret Lavina Fernandes represented Roshni Alumni Association Bengaluru chapter at the School of Social Work for the NAAC Peer Review Meetingand presented the work done by Association.

RAA, Bangalore chapter in association with RAA, Mangaluru, Nava Karnataka Confederation of Industries and Commerce, Atal Incubation Center of NITTE University and School of Social Work, Mangalore, Roshn Nilaya organised a 7-day Faculty Development Programme and two-day student Development Programme on the theme, ‘Entrepreneurship and Employability Skills Development from 23rd August, 2022 to 30th August, 2022 wherein a galaxy of 15 resource persons and speakers shared their expertise with the participants.

OB and EC members conducted ten meetings together (three physical and seven online due to COVID 19). The Annual General Body Meeting was held on 3rd august, 2022. The participation of committee members was very much appreciable.

Heartfelt thanks to the previous committee President Shri Vasanth Kumar Kamila, Secretary Shri Mohan Naik and members Shri Venkataramana and Shri Ashok for providing continuous guidance throughout the year.

The President and Executive Committee members would like to thank Management of School of Social Work,Roshni Nilaya Mangaluru for its continuous guidance and support.

-Dr Margaret Lavina Fernandes


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