1983 Batch of Alumni of School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya visited their Home Away From Home on 28th May, 2022. This coming together was celebrated with much joy and love. The 20 Alumni were received warmly with great applaud to the College auditorium. The Student Welfare Officer Asst. Prof Jinsa Joseph welcomed the Alumni on behalf of the Mangaement, College, Faculty and the students. Principal Dr. Juliet CJ, HOD of MSW Department, Ms. Eveleen Benis were present for the interaction.

The Alumni met the young Professionals of the present batch of MSW students 2022, over an informal interaction. The Alumni while giving an introduction about themselves, did share on their life as to how being a student and being part of this esteemed institution School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya has positively impacted in their life. The Alumni did recall on choosing hard ways in life how it has benefited them in their life to taste the success now as professionals. To specify a few Alumni of their inspiring motivational sharing: Dr Shetty shared when asked by a student on the difficulties and challenges of then being a student and now with the present generation, he shared that being rooted to his family, it has strengthened him to face the challenges of his life. Another enthusiastic Alumni Dr.Eliza Pereira shared the importance of having passion for one’s profession .She added saying that how she had facilitated to create more positions for social workers in St. John's Hospital Bangalore for many years. She emphasized we need to cry for proving our profession. Mrs. Pereira recalled how her presence and leadership had brought great difference over there though it is purely a hospital setting. Due to her determination and passion for the social work profession, she did make a difference and made known her profession holistically from her dedication and commitment.












The Alumni interaction session got ended with an expression of their gratitude to their beloved institute while presenting a pot of Zee Zee plant to the present Principal Dr. Juliet CJ.

Ms.Devika representing the present student’s batch of MSW gave the vote of thanks to the Alumni. To preserve the moment’s memorable one, a photo session was arranged. The interaction with the 1983 batch left the students with the passion for the college and for the profession that they have chosen. The students were overwhelmed and edified with the energy, enthusiasm and the love that they witnessed among the Alumni.

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