On the 20th of May 2023, a thought-provoking and insightful program titled "Reflections about Transgender Identities in India" took place at Maria Paiva Hall. The program was meticulously organized by the Department of Criminology, Economics, and Sociology, under the umbrella of IQAC, School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya. Its primary objective was to foster awareness and understanding of transgender experiences while promoting acceptance within the wider community.

As a key highlight of the event, Ms. Neysara, the esteemed founder of transgenderindia.com, was invited as the distinguished resource person. Renowned for her influential role in the transgender community and her unwavering advocacy for transgender rights, Ms. Neysara held the audience spellbound with her captivating personal journey of transitioning from a man to a woman. Through her narrative, she eloquently conveyed the struggles, triumphs, and the process of self-acceptance and identity formation that she had undergone.

The program was designed to create an interactive and inclusive environment. It provided an invaluable opportunity for students and attendees to engage in a meaningful dialogue with Ms. Neysara. Students were encouraged to raise any questions or doubts they had regarding transgender identities and the transgender community as a whole. Ms. Neysara gracefully addressed their concerns, offering profound insights and dispelling misconceptions that may have existed. This open dialogue not only provided clarity but also served as a catalyst for fostering empathy, compassion, and a broader understanding of transgender issues.

The event at Maria Paiva Hall on the 20th of May 2023 served as a pivotal moment for the School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya, bringing forth the importance of inclusivity, education, and acceptance of transgender individuals within Indian society. Through the inspirational presence and impactful storytelling of Ms. Neysara, participants were able to gain a deeper appreciation for the diverse experiences and identities that exist within the transgender community. The program left a lasting impression, inspiring attendees to challenge preconceived notions, promote inclusivity, and actively contribute to creating a more equitable society for all. 100 students from different departments participated in the program.















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