The Department of Psychology organized a special programme -A Rendezvous of Filial Love on Thursday, 21st September 2023 in the college. The guests were Mrs. Verina Joshna (Alumna of 2004-2007 BA batch as well as former guest faculty of the department) and her 6-month-son named Jayden Zach.

Dr. Sandra Sunitha Lobo welcomed the guests. Jayden Zach was at ease facing a group of 26 II BA students. The comfortable sofa with some soft toys offered some excitement to Jayden, a bundle of untamed curiosity, gazed wide-eyed at his new world of enthusiastic onlookers. His mother exuded a serene aura, her tender smile exuding boundless parental love.

Mrs. Verina Joshna began by acknowledging that very often first-time parents imitate their parents in the parenting style. She enumerated the numerous factors that come into play when taking care of a baby, and how parents grow along with the child. The journey of nurturing a young one comes with its challenges, but also brings with it, an immense amount of joy and pride in seeing them grow.

Mrs. Verina’s caring and motherly nature was evident in the way she managed to keep Jayden occupied while also speaking to the class. Jayden himself was calm and enjoyed the attention given to him. He was happily entertained with the songs sung by his mother and the students.

Mrs. Verina enlightened us on the makings of a good parent – that there is no perfect guidebook on parenting that can be followed and it is often a result of trials and errors. It must also be tailor-made to fit the unique nature of each child, as a method that may foster one kid could hinder another. She spoke on ‘bulldozer parenting’ and ‘helicopter parenting’.

She then touched on the topics of stages of child labour, childbirth, the importance of mental health and the dangers of post-partum depression. After the baby is born, the mental well-being of the parents is often overlooked, but they need to take some time for themselves as well. Emphasis was also given on the significance of trusting one’s instincts as well as not falling under the pressure of society and the comparisons that are frequently made between children or different parenting techniques. Trusting yourself and learning from your mistakes is the key to being a good parent.

The programme was a valuable learning experience and the students gained so much more than one could from reading a textbook. This hour-long (9:45 am to 10:40 am) rendezvous was an exciting opportunity to better understand the bond between a parent and child along with the highs and lows of childcare. A few students even got an opportunity to carry Jayden Zach around who was so friendly and cheerful with absolutely no stranger anxiety at all. The audience joined Mrs. Verina and sang the rhyme “The wheels on the bus go round and round”. What came around were smiles, giggles and cooing by Jayden. Childhood returned for a few moments as students found the programme endearing.

The guests were thanked by Keith D’Souza. Asst. Prof. Roshini Monica Goveas and Dr. Sandra Sunitha Lobo were also present.

Reported by Afreen Kolachalil (II BA)









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