The Post Graduate Department of Criminology and Forensic Science had organised ‘Ice to Meet You’-An Orientation for Freshers for the First- and Second-year students of the department on 17th August 2023 at 2.00 pm in the PG Dept. of CFS. The objectives of the activity were to build a rapport between the first and second year students and also help them to get to know each other. This activity helps to promote teamwork and the collaboration skills.

Both first and second year students were made to sit in circle and they were asked to play memory game where each student had to memorize the names of all the students. This activity helped the students to learn new names. Students who failed to memorize were asked to come forward introduce themselves and sing a rhyme. Later the students were divided into three groups, each group consisted of 8 to 9 members. Further, the students were given an activity called Pictionary where one student from each group had to come forward and draw the picture of the word given to them and rest of the group members had to guess the word. The last activity of the day was Dumb charades. In this game, a student from each group had to act out the name of a movie that had been given to them, and the other group members had to guess movie name.

Students expressed that the activity helped them to create a positive atmosphere where they could relax and interact with each other. The activity was held under the guidance of Dr. Saritha D’Souza, Head of the department of Criminology and Forensic Science, with the support of the faculties, Mr. Roshan D’Souza, Student Welfare Officer, Ms. Athira V J, Faculty Co-ordinator Forensis Forum and Mr. Niketh PS, Faculty Extension Officer. Altogether 32 students, 4 faculties and alumni were part of this event. The activity concluded at 4.30 pm by delivering a vote of thanks by Ms. Nashwa Iqbal of Second year MSc CFS. The report was drafted by Ms. Jyothsna, Media Co-ordinator, Second year MSc CFS.












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