The Community Development Forum study tour to Mysore was organised from 4th December 2022 to 10th December 2022. The total participants accounted for seven members including the faculty supervisor, Assistant professor. Anuradha Shetty.

#Day 1 - 5th December 2022: Students visited the Jubilant Pharmova, Nanjangud, to understand about the C.S.R activities of the Jubilant Bhartia Foundation, the registered Non-Government Organization under the parent organisation. The participants were welcomed by Mr. Subrahmanya A, Director Human Resources, Mr. Deepak S, Manager CSR, Mr. Kishore, Supervisor of C.S.R projects and Mr. Adarsha, Supervisor of C.S.R projects, Jubilant Bhartia Foundation. The participants were taken around the neighbourhood to show the implemented C.S.R projects of the foundation. The participants visited:-
1. Government School, Kalluhalli- accommodating seventy one children from grades one through seventh. It was understood that the building and premises of the Government School were adopted and rebuilt with sophisticated modern architectural techniques. The building has five class rooms, an AV room, a library, toilet facilities, mess hall, kitchen and storage room and well interlocked playground.
2. Sidhapaji Mahila Holiga Gararu - This project aims at building sustainable livelihoods for women folk in the locality through means of stitching. The project creates it own income that is reinvested to increase productivity and sustainment of member welfare.
3. Primary Health Centre - Built and run by the CSR funds for the wellbeing of the people of the Nanjangud and surrounding villages. It also hosts ambulance facilities, outpatient treatment and vaccination services.
4. Government School, Nanjangud - CSR project funded building with hightech e-learning facilities catering for classes from 4th through 8th.
5. Science on Wheels Project - Catering to on the wheels e-learning platform run in collaboration with HP.
The participants then regrouped at The Jubilant campus for lunch, following a short presentation of all the other implemented and ongoing projects. After which the vote of thanks was given by Yadhukrishnan.

# Day 2 - 6th December 2022: After breakfast the participants reached the Abdul Nazir Sab State Institute of Rural Developments and Panchayati Raj (S.I.R.D) for the session with Mr. K.S.Manoj Kumar, Deputy Director Training & Faculty (Natural Resource Management.) Throughout the session the participants understood the organisation structure and functions of S.I.R.D. in the development and upliftment of individuals and groups - over various programs for their better functioning in public and civic bodies. The participants also had the opportunity to visit the in house SATCOM setting for the training and development programs for wider reach after lunch at the campus. It was understood that the main activities of the organisation included the following concentrating in rural areas:-
● Sensitisation for non discrimination of gender
● Improving participatory planning processes
● Decentralisation and development activity building
● Conduct sustainable poverty alleviation programs
● Improve functional skills for elected representatives and officials in civic and public office.
● Conduct leadership development programs
● Reach of safe drinking water
● Promotion of resource management including SLRM projects
● Conduction of social audits
● Improve E-learning initiatives
After the session the vote of thanks was delivered by Ms. Prabha and Prof. Anuradha Shetty handed over the memento to Mr. K.S.Manoj Kumar as a token of appreciation and gratitude.

#Day 3 - 7th December 2022: The participants assembled at the conference room at 11 am at the Organisation for the Development of People (ODP). There they were given a detailed run through of the activities and programs implemented by the organisation from inception till date. There were totally three sessions, each handled by the respective co-ordinator. Mrs. Shashi Rekha, Coordinator Academics; Mrs. Sunitha K A, Coordinator of Programs; Mrs. Mini Johnson, Coordinator Accounts and Mr. Dominic, Coordinator and Manager of Sushravya Upliftment Foundation in the respective order, spoke on various aspects of each programs, activities and facilities each wing was in charge of conduction on a daily basis. It was also understood that the coverage of the foundation extended to the four districts of Karnataka namely - Mysore, Chamnagara, Kodagu and Mandya. The main areas of focus of the foundations were noted as follows:-
● Women empowerment
● Management of natural resources
● Counselling services - Santvana
● BHM programs
● E-Shakthi digitization programs
● Childline nodal agency activities
● Mahilodaya Rural Marts

Post session the vote of thanks was delivered by Mr. Elwis and Prof. Anuradha Shetty handed over the memento to Mrs. Shashi Rekha as a token of appreciation and gratitude.

Thereafter the participants left to reach Odanadi Seva Samsthe for the second session for the day with the founder member of the trust Mr. K.V. Stanley. The session started at 3 pm and was conducted in an interactive manner as participants asked the questions and Mr. Stanley shared his insights and learnings of his journey in the process of being aids to bring ends to human trafficking. The participants were also given varied insightful updates to the Muruga Mata Case, which has been currently being pushed by the organisation. After the interaction Ms. Eirene Durom gave the vote of thanks and Prof. Anuradha Shetty handed over the memento to Mrs. Shashi Rekha as a token of appreciation and gratitude.

# Day 4 - 8th December 2022: The students visited the Mysore palace grounds and inside the palace as part of leisure activities around 2.30 pm after lunch. Following this the participants also visited Chamundi Hills for sightseeing.

# Day 5 - 9th December 2022: On 9th December, students headed towards B. R. Hills, Yelandur. On reaching the locality the participants first visited the Shri Ranganatha Devasthana for Darshan, to understand the history and significance of the temple. Following which students visited the final organisation of the study tour - Vivekananda Girijana Kalyana Kendra (V.G.K.K.) where accommodation and food were also arranged. The session was postponed to the coming day due to the unpredictable weather changes. The same night an interactive cultural session with the Soliga tribes was arranged at the VGKK assembly hall. The participants also joined in the cultural program, understanding and interacting with the Soliga tribe members in their cultural activities.

# Day 6 - 10th December 2022

After breakfast the participants gathered at the conference hall of the research facility at the VGKK campus for the session with Mr. Arun. The session was unlike any other setting, as it was a group interactive session with teachings, suggestions, history of the organisation, understanding of the tribal culture, the dynamics of the people of the village, after effect of the establishment of the institute and the understanding of the self sufficient and sustainable model of approach of the organisation in the upliftment of the Soliga tribes over the past forty one years. After the session Mr. Sumanth gave the vote of thanks and Anuradha Shetty, Asst professor presented the memento to Mr. Arun as a token of gratitude.
Thereafter the participants visited the nearby tribal home settlement for interaction. Cut short due to the weather, nevertheless the participants managed to collect basic understanding about the dynamics, social structure and economic setup of the visited areas.

After a brief period the participants vacated the rooms at the NGO and started for the railway station to board the train, E.T.A. at 11.40 pm en route to Mangalore thus marking a close to the Community Development Forum study tour 2022.


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