Community Development students along with their faculty left for Mumbai by CST Express on Jan 4, 2014.  During the tour they were exposed to the Asia’s biggest slum “Dharavi” and tribal community in Kolad Raigad District of Maharashtra  

In Dharavi, Daya Sadan the NGO which works for the development of the slum dwellers gave an orientation followed by the visit to various lanes. By the visit to Asia`s biggest slum “Dharavi” students understood the life style and how they convert waste into gold.

They visited College of Social Work Nirmala Niketan, Mumbai. And also Gate way of India, Taj hotel, Hanging Garden, Kamala Nehru Park etc as part of the Mumbai Darshan.

 In Kolad they interacted with Sr. Jacqueline who was the directress   of Institute of Social Service. The organization works for the development of Katkari tribe. The team had an orientation with regard to the involvement in the lives of tribals, accomplishments, networks, linkages and the challenges before them in the line of health, education, land rights, forest rights, occupation etc. they also had visited different hamlets like Talavali, Harikmaal, Dhanakhan etc. It helped them to understand the life style, housing, traditions, costumes, festivals, language, occupations, political participation, supplementary education and problems. We  also had a glimpse of the welfare programme those are available for them.

The visit to Fisheries cooperative- Phahur Kolad was helpful to know the functioning of co operative. This visit helped to gain knowledge about cooperatives.

It was an enriching and enlightening experience for all the students, there was excitement and learning, group living, difficulties in travelling, hunger and also the lighter movement of sightseeing and enjoyment.

THEMATIC PRESENTATION:   ON GLOBAL WARMING                                          

            We the students of II MSW CD had the privilege to organize the first thematic presentation for this semester in the college on the theme "Global Warming” on January 29, 2014. It was well organized and more focused on the causes, effects, strategies and role. Students briefed about Global warming and important Greenhouse gases, impact of Global warming, Global Temperature and few clippings were shown on Global Warming. It grabbed the attention of the audience and helped us to understand better. And students their shared their opinion regarding Global Warming and role of social worker was highlighted.



On Jan 31, 2014 all the members of Community Development forum along with other organizations and public participated in the formation of human chain near the Town Hall. Stop Netravathi River diversion project (Yettina Hole Project). The Government of Karnataka has given green signal to a new project that is diversion of Netravathi River.  It has ill effects to livelihood of the Tulunadu people and backing the developers framed an impracticable proposal “Quench” by changing the path of river Netravathi towards the east by gravity to the parched area. But it’s damaging the Shola forest and grass land will result in all round damage to the bio-diversity of Western Ghats. Participating in this social action student`s understood the importance of Netravathi River -livelihood of the Tulunadu people.


The members of the Community Development forum planned to welcome the participants of 3G (Go Green Girls 14 -Kutch to Kochi) Cycle expedition On Feb 02, 2014. It was National level effort to bring about the awareness on the environmental degradation and women empowerment a troupe of women from Women Adventure Association India (WANI) undertook this cycle expedition. Women empowerment and saving environment has been the aim of this expedition.  They were welcomed near Father Muller Hospital and from there to Roshni Nilya all walked with the band and skaters.  All participants were with banners, plaques shouting slogans, songs on cleanliness, environmental protection etc. there was a small formal function in the auditorium where Dr.Olinda Pereira presided over the programme, Mr. Ananth Krishna Bhat- chairman Karnataka Bank, Mr.TSN Murthy Dy. chairman NMPT were the guest of honor. All the participants were honoured. Symbolically three plants were planted in the campus. Fr. Muller`s Institutions and other organization took active part in it. Members of Skating academy from the city accompanied the trope from KPT. It has been a unique experience for all the participants.


Community Development general session was taken by Rev. Fr. Richard Quadras, director - Sarva Vikas Deep, Mangaon, Maharashtra on February 14, 2014. He enlightened the participants on Youth and Social Innovation for Development. The focus is on School dropout, unemployment, violence etc. are some of the risks young Indians continue to face, even as India registers rising incomes, investments and exports, youth entrepreneurship for social innovation and development is still not given priority. Strategic investment in youth cultivating innovation and creatively and promoting opportunities to contribute are key to addressing old problems with new solution. This session was very helpful to understand the importance of youth entrepreneurship for social innovation and development.


The members of Community Development forum actively participated in the rally on “STOP NETRAVATHI RIVER DIVERSION” project on 22 Jan, 2014. It was a college student’s initiative to respond to the crying issue of diversion. The rally started from Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Circle (Jyothi) to District Commissioners` office. The participants were with banners, plaques shouting slogans, songs on stop Netravathi River diversion project.  This social action was very effective to understand the power of youth in fighting against Netravathi River diversion. 



On 28th February 2014 II MSW CD students and I MSW students visited to dumping yard, Beggars rehabilitation center and Guthu Mane. The participants interacted with Senior Executive Mr. Manohar of Unique Waste Processing Company at dumping yard Pachhanadi. He helped to understand the waste processing unit, the process of waste refining in pre screener 7 days, dermal screener 20 days and final screener 45 days and the process of Municipal Solid Management.

In Beggars Rehabilitation Center the person in charge explained the Beggars Act and allowed for the interaction with inmates, those who are rehabilitated in the center.  The center was helping the inmates to start a new life. The place is clean, tidy, well ventilated; they have received little recognition from Government as well as private firm for being the best beggars’ home.

Guthu Mane being the center of store and other amenities for the community during time of kings and later for the particular family as the family house where the entire clan come together to celebrate clan feast or Kula Devatha day.    


Members of Community Development forum along with their faculty coordinator Ms. Eveleen Benis had an exposure visit to tribal community at HD Kote on March 7 and on 8th participated in the International Women’s Day celebrated at the state level under the ages of Atrocities against Women Forum -Karnataka.

 On 7th members visited to Nagarahole forest area and interacted with Jenu Kuruba tribal community in HD Kote.  The interaction helps the members to understand the lifestyle, livelihood, culture, issues of tribes. They are facing many problems, in that the major problem was land rights. According to Forest Right Act the forest department had given land to tribals but it was not correct so the tribes are now fighting for their land and right. Then members visited to FEDINA NGO which is working for tribal development. This visit helps to know more about Forest Rights Act- 2005, how it was effecting to tribes life and the tribal development works of NGO.

On 8th members participated in Programme of International Women’s Day rally and programme. The Association of against women harassment was organized, in this programme other state and other district women organizations, women associations and students are participated. The three Manipuri Sisters are the guest of this programme. The speakers are spoke about these topics -Rights of women’s –equality, freedom, education etc, abolition of girl child, women harassment in family, working place and in the society,  rape cases of women’s and other issues related  to women discussed in this programme. Social awareness role plays, songs, dance performed in the programme. Participation in this programme helped members to know more about women empowerment, women rights and other women related issues. It was an enriching and enlightening experience for all the members.



A workshop on “Resource Mobilizing and Funding” was organized in collaboration with Inchara Foundation at school of Social Work On 15th March 2014. The resource persons Mr. Pritham Rodrigues and Mrs. Joan enabled the participants to understand the fund raising strategies.  It includes- understanding the need, requirement and the sources of funding were dealt with. It further clarified the type activities to be undertaken and common reasons for the failure of project proposals.  And also stressed on do’s and do not’s in proposal writing.

At the end of the session the participants were happy that they gained a certain amount of knowledge of the topic. They felt that there is a need to have further session with related topics like project management.



A session onYettinahole (River Diversion) Project in collaboration with Centre for Development Studies and Education –Vamanjoor, and Social Change Management Forum had organized at School of social Work Roshni Nilaya Mangalore on March 15, 2014 at 2.30 pm. Dr. Rita Noronha welcomed the participants and resource person and open the forum for discussion.

Dr. Ravindranath Shanbaug President of Human Rights Protection Foundation–Udupi enlightened the participants with his presentation on the actual facts related to the diversion of river Netravathi - Yettinahole project and it hidden agenda. He has done a lot of study and collected scientific facts about this project and the cost effect analysis of it where more investment and less output and at the same time the great harm to the vegetation, destruction of Western Ghats which is life line of the people of this land. More electricity will be used to produce less electricity.  The estimated cost in the beginning of the project for 10tmc water to supply Kolarand Chikballapur districts was 12,000 crore which is escalated to  24,000 crore but by the completion it may be much more than that. 


There was good interaction as well as the exchange of information from the participants. A lot of media persons were present and it has given a good coverage of the same. Active participation of the civil society members was strongly experienced. 

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