The Alumni of School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya 1992-1994 batch visited the college on 21st May, 2022. An interaction was organised for the present first year MSW batch of students on the topic “Current Trends in Various Specializations” by the Department of MSW. The 15 Alumni were received with a round of applause to the class room by the students as well as the HOD of MSW Department, Ms. Eveleen Benis, Dean, Research, Dr. Meena Monteiro and Asst. Prof. Jinsa Joseph.

The purposes of the interaction were to motivate the young professionals as well as to share their expertise from the field and to enhance professionalism. The energetic Alumni pointed out their expertise in their different fields of specialisations. They also shared with humility their humble beginnings in their profession here in Roshni.

The entire Alumni shared their passion towards this institute from where they received knowledge, skills and values. The alumni recalled how the institution motivated, supported, accompanied them to reach their professional heights today.









Addressing the young, yet to be professionals, they shared that in order to excel in their respective specialised fields, one needs to have a clear vision, effective communication skills, commitment, staying updated with the outside world, enhancing skills and the desire to learn everyday and to have the courage to learn from the past mistakes. No matter whatever background one may be coming from, it is the self discipline and hard work and staying focused that would definitely help one to reach and to achieve the impossible. They concluded their interaction with this motivational food for thought “It is better to sweat in training field rather than bleeding in the battle field”.

The Alumni promised their wholehearted support in the student’s professional career development. The students did clarify their doubts with the Alumni. Asst. Prof. Ms. Jinsa Joseph on behalf of the Management as well as the MSW department promised to plan in the near future to organise an event of interaction and career guidance with this enthusiastic Alumni. Representing the class Mr. Supreeth rendered the vote of thanks.



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