The Adeliade Journal of Social Work is an annual publication of School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangalore, providing an independent forum for researchers and practitioners in social work. It encourages original, creative, critical and empirical research and promotes fine-turning of the existing theory in social work. It helps the reader to be updated with the theoretical and empirical developments in the field. The Journal invites contributions from academicians, practitioners’, research scholars, policy makers on various relevant areas keeping with the general objective. It also solicits case studies and personal experiments as well as book reviews of recent social work Publications.

Guidelines for the contributors:

  • Articles should be of original nature and should not have been sent of accepted for publication elsewhere.
  • An abstract of 250 words to be sent in case of articles.
  • The manuscript length should be of 3000-5000 words including figure and tables typed in 1.15 space with 12 font Times New Roman on 8.5" X 11" - A4 Size papers.
  • The manuscript should not contain foot notes. References should be cited at the end of manuscript. The list should mention only those sources cited in the text of the manuscript.
  • Each table / figure / graph should have brief and self explanatory title. Also, mention the source and explanation, if any, at the bottom of the table / figure / graph.
  • In the case of articles, precise conclusion to be given
  • Prospective article is subject to blind review by a panel of eminent referees
  • Cover page should contain title of the paper, name, present designation, postal address, mobile / telephone number and email ID of the author/ authors with brief resume
  • A hard copy of the manuscript should be sent to the editor. Further, soft copy along with the abstract is to be mailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or in compact disc in MS word.

The manuscript should be sent to:
The Editor in Chief
Adelaide Journal of Social Work
School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, Valencia, Mangalore - 575 002

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