English/ Common name- Jackfruit tree

Local name- ಹಲಸು

Botanical name- Artocarpus heterophyllus

Appearance- It is the largest tree fruit in the world, capable of reaching 100 pounds. And it grows on the branches — and the trunks — of trees that can reach 30, 40, 50 feet. The exterior of the compound fruit is green or yellow when ripe and is spiky. The interior consists of large edible bulbs of yellow, banana-flavored flesh that encloses a smooth, oval, light-brown seed. The seed is 3/4 to 1-1/2 inches long and upto 3/4 inches thick and is white and crisp within. There may be upto 500 seeds in a single fruit.

Origin- The jackfruit is believed indigenous to the rain forests of the Western Ghats of India. It spread early on to other parts of India, Southeast Asia, the East Indies, and ultimately the Philippines. It is often planted in central and eastern Africa and is fairly popular in Brazil and Suriname. Archaeologists have estimated that it has been growing in India for between 3000 to 6000 years.

Conditions required for growth- Jackfruit is adapted to humid tropical and near-tropical climates. The jackfruit tree should have a well-drained, frost-free location that is sunny and warm. The jackfruit flourishes in the rich, deep soil of medium or open texture. The tree will not tolerate drought. In the regions where it is commonly grown, it succeeds without much care from man, the sole necessity being abundant moisture.

Uses- Jackfruit is cultivated for its wide range of uses. Ashes of the leaves are used for treating ulcers, diarrhea, boils, stomachache. Seeds are aphrodisiac and are used as a cooling tonic like the pulp. Root decoction can reduce fever and can treat diarrhea, skin diseases, and asthma.
People eat the fruit and seeds of the jackfruit trees as food or as medicine. Jackfruit is taken by mouth as an aphrodisiac or for diabetes. Jackfruit paste is applied to the skin for poisonous bites. Also, the wood of the jackfruit tree is used to make furniture or musical instruments.

Common remedies-

  • For treating insect bites (poisonous): (Part of the tree used - Root and Leaf ) The decoction is made by boiling the root and leaf in water, and then, it is strained and the decoction is consumed. Decoction of the root and leaf is consumed in a dose of 40-50 ml when poisoning due to insect bites.



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