A workshop on ‘Family Life Education,’ was organised by School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya, for students of Third year B.A on 11th March 2023 from 9.45 – 12.30 by speaker Advocate Rushila Rebello, practicing Advocate at Court-Bandra, Mumbai. She has conducted state level legal training for stakeholders, lawyers, social workers, and students.

The workshop began with Ms. Roshni Goveas, Assistant Professor of the Department of Psychology welcoming the resource person.

Ms. Rushila Rebello started the workshop by questioning the students what they understood by emotional intelligence, based on the answers she explained what emotional intelligence is. To understand this in a practical sense , an activity was conducted where all the students were divided into four groups. Each group had a leader and was given ten balloons. The instruction was that the leaders had to maximize their group's balloons, while the members were instructed to protect them. The goal of the activity was to maximize the balloons. After the activity, a review was conducted where each leader shared their experience, and the members also expressed their views. In the end, Ms Rushila Rebello explained that this activity revolved around the importance of empathy.

She then laid emphasis on team work based on which the second activity was conducted, where the students were divided into two groups. One person from each group was blindfolded and had to reach a spot with the help of their team members giving directions using animal sounds. Through this activity she taught the importance of effective planning in a team.

The next activity was based on team building, where ten people from each group were selected. The game was called spider web, where each member had to pass through the spider web without touching it. This game brought a lot of team understanding, bonding, and trust.





Finally she gave students an insight on ‘trust,’. She conducted an activity based on trust, when a student has to fall flat with their eyes closed surrounded by four other students to hold. Both boys and girls did this activity, which showed a lot of insight for the participants as well as the viewers.

Ms. Rushila Rebello concluded her workshop by summing the importance of teamwork, empathy, on how to solve problems effectively, and communicate with others in a constructive and positive manner, self-awareness, self-esteem, and self-confidence to promote personal growth and development.

The workshop ended with the Vote of Thanks by Ms.Sadiya, student of third year B.A.

A total of 70 students participated in the workshop.

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