Date: 17th May 2022
Time: 11:30 am to 12:30pm
Venue: Department of MSc. Counselling Psychology

The poster making competition was conducted by the Hollistic Wellbeing Forum, Department of Counselling. The participants were 1st year MSc Counselling students. The theme of the competition was related to Counselling.

The various topics were: “Counselling - A doorway to self-healing”, “Listening with heart” and “Counsellor-the catalyst”. Students were divided into groups of 3 or 4 and each group was given one of the topics. All the students participated in dividing the tasks on making the poster.

Then all the three groups were asked to explain their poster to the judges who were Dr. Meena Monteiro from MSW Department and Dr. Sebastian KV from HR Department. They declared group 3 as the winner whose topic was “Counsellor-The Catalyst”.

Overall, the competition not only focused on creativity; but it also focused on time management and team building.





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