Topic: 1.Physical disorders and their meaning
2.Skills in counselling
3. Para psychology
Resource person: Fr. Wilson
Date: 28/11/2018
Venue: Anugraha

The session began with brain stimulator and the resource person gave a brief introduction as to how mind and emotions play a role in developing physical sicknesses. He focused on different parts of the body which causes different problems, concepts covered included acidity - its causes and damage caused, common cold, common fever, vomiting and menstrual problems was referred to as helper systems and not sicknesses. Physical disorders, their symbolic meanings and treatment for each were elaborated.

"Processing one's life in the presence of the other is counselling", saying this the resource person explained the different skills involved in counselling and the participants were also allowed to practice the same.









The participants had an interesting session on basic concepts in para psychology, which included concepts such as devil's and angels, possession/poltergeist, signs of identifying possession, the people who are attracted towards being poltergeist, and symptoms of devil possession were explained along with the differences between possession and psychological problems. Also concepts like ghost, blind intelligence, elementals/ human spirits and, thought forms and 5 vessels of pouring out negative thoughts were explained by quoting real life experiences.

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